Self Love
To be productive in this world. You have to love and believe in yourself. With everything going on now, its important to talk about this. Celebrate being you! It's OK to celebrate yourself! Self love and self care are so intertwined but yet so different! While self care is taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional being, self love is loving yourself. Being happy and confident in your skin. Knowing your worth as a person and loving everything about yourself. Flaws and all *cues Beyonce*. Celebrate your life and live to be happy for yourself and not to satisfy another person
This year, for my birthday I wanted to celebrate life. Tomorrow is never promised for anyone and it's important to live your best life loving your best self! I normally do something simple for my birthday. Usually something simple with my husband and I. This year I wasn't holding back on making things about me,and it's OK to do that.
This birthday was amazing. I was around people who celebrate me and encourage my growth. The people you surround yourself around are important to self love and how you feel about yourself. Are you around people who motivate you, encourage you, or push you to be better? Although my birthday was simple, I chose to celebrate all weekend because making it through another year of life is amazing!
Friday I had a nice dinner with friends. We went to an Italian restaurant downtown and the food was so delicious. It was such a great time and a true celebration. Saturday I spent the day with family. Sunday was fathers day. When I was born, my actual birthday fell on Fathers Day. I went and spent some time with my dad. He grilled out and my mom bought me a cake. It was great to feel love from so many people over the weekend.
You are special and you matter. Spread the love to someone else today. They may need it. Have a great week!
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